The Worst News of my Life
We were so excited about baby girl Khoja and had already planned our life with her – it was our last embryo from IVF and it worked! We made all the announcements and had passed the 16th week mark so it seemed appropriate to finally celebrate! Then came May 27th, 2023 which was the day I got the worst news of my life.
On May 27th 4:30 PM, I went into the ER bleeding uncontrollably and for sure thought I was having a miscarriage. The ER doc was probably one of the worst docs I have ever seen but I cant totally blame him because they aren’t really expected to know much about pregnancy related issues. However, when we ask to see an on call OB, that should be something that can be done without so much pushback. The ER doc was going to send me home because my ultrasound looked ok and the baby had a heart beat. He said “You may be at risk for a miscarriage and you may go on to full term.” Hmm ok, but I am literally peeing out blood so it does not make sense for me to just go home!
The ER doc finally called my OB (with my husbands persistence in asking) who was in the hospital luckily on call. He actually came down and did an exam and told me that the “water bag” had come down too far and that he couldn’t feel my cervix. He said I had a shortened cervix/incompetent cervix. What does that even mean and why do I have this? This is usually common if you have had complications with the first pregnancy but I did not. It can be caused by some trauma to a cervix, which I didn’t think I had gone though although I did have a lot of manipulations with IVF related surgeries. The only way to treat an incompetent cervix is to get a cerclage (essentially a stitch) however he couldn’t feel any cervix so I was beyond that at this point. He said that we could try a position called Trendelenburg position (look it up, it is not fun) for a few days and then reassess. He did very clearly say that there is VERY minimal chance of saving this baby girl. I stayed in the Trendelenburg position for the weekend and then my OB came to reassess me but there was really not much of a change. I went to see a specialist after getting discharged and he still said the same thing. I had no hope for anything except being on bedrest until I delivered (which would be any day according to both physicians).
The Worst Day of my Life
On June 5th, I felt contractions and something coming out. I could not tell if it was the baby or a membrane but I knew I needed to go into the hospital. I knew it was time for her to come. We got to the ER and I made my husband circle again because I remembered that I lived in Texas and there was no way they could help me if my baby girl still had a heartbeat even though there was no way my baby girl would stay alive. Eventually we went back to the hospital ER because I didn’t think I could deliver by myself at home. When the OB did an ultrasound, she couldn’t see my baby girl anymore. She had already moved out of the uterus which was a blessing in Texas because they could now give me meds to help her come out. The OB did see lots of blood clots on the ultrasound but didn’t seem too concerned. My delivery was actually not bad at all. The scary part came after. After the delivery, we were waiting to get the placenta out. Every time I thought I was pushing the placenta out, it was a clot. Each time seemed bigger than the last. The nurses started weighing all the clots and I continued to stress. The OB finally thought that she was helping me get the placenta out, however it was a clot as big as the placenta. Now I’m worried… What is happening to me? She finally said I had lost too much blood and they needed to prepare for surgery. I had lost about 1.3-1.5L of blood. While waiting for a blood transfusion, my blood pressure dropped to the 50s/30s and OB came in and said my Hemoglobin was 5.4. Now being the pharmacist that I am, I asked if they needed to start pressors? Am I about to die? Am I making it to surgery? Are they about to call the rapid response team? They took me into surgery and I don’t remember anything after that. Meanwhile my husband is waiting to see how things are going in the room with our dead baby girl. They said it would be a 20 minute procedure to make sure all the placenta came out and to stop the bleeding. He didn’t get an update until an hour and half later.
The next day the nurse says “I’m glad you’re doing better. You were white as can be last night however you made it through.” I can’t help but play the incident again and again and again in my head. I’m happy to be alive. Never have I ever hated living in Texas so much due to the dumb laws that people who are NOT in healthcare make about women’s bodies and lives. If I lived anywhere else, I think I would have been given multiple options of what I could do instead of just potentially bleeding to death. If for some reason my fear of not being able to get treatment prevented me from going to the hospital that day, I would NOT be alive. My worst fear for the situation I was in came true. I did have the best possible outcome from a shitty shitty situation. Here we are now trying to live and cope with a life without our baby girl, Sanera Sanna Khoja, that we had envisioned for the last 5 months.
Sanna Khoja
Designed with Love by Her Brande
Copyright Sanna Khoja 2021
It’s really tragic that you have to go through all this.
You as a health professional can’t do anything so think what happens to people who have no medical awareness.. sad… But I’m glad that you are feeling better and hopefully you will be more healthier day by day. You know how important you are to all of us. We all love you and salman a lot. Be strong bacha
Love you a lot
It is really heartbreaking that you had to go through this. I was getting goosebumps reading your story. We are thankful to God for your good health. Hopefully you will be more stronger mentally, emotionally and physically. I hope no one else has to to go through this. May God bless you and your beautiful family. We love you guys so much.
First of all, thank you for sharing your story. It breaks my heart to hear the name you have kept for her. Your bravery, stillness and strength are remarkable. Sanera Sanna Khoja, baby girl, we love you and your mom and dad and brother (and all who healed/prayed for you) did their very best to bring you here.
Your post is poignant and clear— that this is caused by a systemic issue that prevents families from making sound decisions. On top of an already tragic situation. In stead of focusing on the pain and grief, you have no choice but to observe the inadequacies of how OB/GYN is designed and delivered (no pun intended) in our country.
I have a question— you mentioned that outside of Texas they would have given you other options. Does the losing of all the blood happen regardless of the access to these options? You’re saying that could have been prevented, correct?
Again, thank you for sharing. I would love to share with people I know who have gone through similar tragedies.
I can only imagine the strength it took to write this. I am so sorry for everything you and your family have experienced this last month. Our system here in Texas is atrocious.
so sorry for your loss. I had a fetal demise at 16 weeks with my bahy girl and delivered at home didn’t realize I was having contractions luckly my husband wouldn’t let me see anything
Hi Sanna.
I’m sorry for your loss- what a journey it has been for you. Praying for your healing. Please stay strong. I just wanted to send you a note and tell u that u are in my thoughts and prayers
Love to Salem and Salman
I am so sorry you and your family had to go through this. I hope the physical, mental, and emotional healing from this loss and trauma come soon. It’s so sad that women have to go through this. Glad you’re okay. Hope you’re getting rest.
Oh Sanna…I can’t stop crying reading this. I’m so so sorry! Being an IVF sister, I know this journey is hard as is but to have an angel baby, I wish this on no one. Please take care of yourself- praying for Sanera’s soul and for your family to heal.
I’m so utterly sad to read about your journey with baby girl. I also agree that the men in the higher ups should not decide what happens to a women’s body. I hope you and your family heal and send positive vibes/prayers your way.
I don’t know you as a person but always follow your stories and blogs. I’m so sorry for your loss but I am glad you are alive and baby girl is in peace now. Lots of prayers for you and your family.
I wish all the peace and comfort in the world for you, and healing that floods your body, mind, and soul. I’m sorry this happened

I am saddened by your story, and so sad for your loss
Sanna, I’m so incredibly sorry. Thank you so much for being open and brave enough to share your journey. It sounds absolutely terrifying and I’m so glad they were able to stop the bleeding. Sending you so many hugs, I know how much you were looking forward to life with Sanera. Prayers for all of you!
Hi. Someone I know had me read your post and sad to say I know exactly how you feel/felt. I, like you, had felt those same emotions this May. Almost at the exact same time. I had a ruptured membrane and was sent home twice from the ER. I was pregnant with twins and only one of the membranes had ruptured while the other one was intact. They sent me home because I didn’t look “sick” enough to induce labor. I was given two choices to miscarry or to get an infection. Finally on day 3 I rushed back to ER with a heart rate of 160s and fever of 102+. I had sepsis. It sounds ridiculous to even say this but I nearly died. That’s what it took for the doctors to finally induce. I was so, so sad about losing my children but also so F*** mad. No woman or family should ever have to be put in such a difficult position.
First of all, you’re so so brave for sharing your story. Secondly, it’s so heartbreaking to read the story about your baby girl. Third, the men in the higher ups shouldn’t take control over women’s bodies. I’m so sorry for your loss and I’m glad you’re alive and well. Sunera is watching over you.
I am sorry to hear about your story and the loss of your precious baby girl. I also had an experience that, luckily, happened in Illinois where I was able to make a decision. If I were in Texas now, I am sure it would have been impossible. I am glad that you are okay. Wishing you peace and comfort during this time.
Thank you for sharing your story. You and your family are so brave and I’m so saddened to hear the unfortunate truth of living in Texas. I’ve feared this situation and I’m so sorry you had to go through this. I pray you and your sweet family find peace ♥️
Just lost my baby boy at 16 weeks and I can truly feel what you went through.